View Full Version : Supreme Court fires judge

04-28-2010, 05:00 PM
The Plenary of the Supreme Court has ordered the dismissal of interim judge Raul Rosario Hernandez, who granted a bail bond release to Raul Serumberto Reynoso Mota (Vantroi), a man implicated in 51 crimes including 36 murders. The court ruled that the interim magistrate of the Third Court of Instruction of the province of Santo Domingo, acting as the judge of Permanent Attention, has committed an abuse against society.
The decision, which made headline news in all today's newspapers, was announced by high court vice-president Rafael Luciano Pichardo, after heading a session of the Plenary where the decision was taken against the magistrate in the Council Chamber.
The Plenary of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ) also ordered an investigation into the decision by judge Rosario Hernandez, with the aim of establishing the reasons behind his decision to order Vantroi's release on bail.
Luciano Pichardo said that the SCJ would be vigilant in order to prevent the recurrence of situations and cases of this type. "The Plenary of the Supreme Court of Justice is very concerned about the decisions that some judges have taken, which do not correspond to the law, especially in the current situation", he said.
Luciano Pichardo said that the decision, which provoked widespread public condemnation, was made by an interim judge who was substituting for another judge. "The interim judge is not a career judge, he is not an appointed judge, and we believe that he committed an abuse against the law and against society, by accepting this man's (Vantroi) request for freedom".

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