View Full Version : Dismissed judge has his say

04-30-2010, 06:00 PM
The fired substitute judge for Permanent Attention for the province of Santo Domingo, Raul Rosario Hernandez, defended the bail bond release order that he issued for Raul Serumberto Reynoso Mota, better known as Vantroi.
"It was an arbitrary decision", said Rosario, in reference to the removal from his post, taken by the Plenary of the Supreme Court of Justice, where he will go today to petition against an investigation of his record. The ex-substitute Justice of the Peace in the town of Yamasa said that if acting according to what is set forth in the Penal Process Code is impudence, "well we have always been and will always be impudent".
He told reporters that the Justice Department did not supply any elements of proof that would permit him to apply another coercive measure beside the bail bond.
The Vantroi case made headlines in the media upon his arrest when returning to the DR deported from Mexico, after his attempt to enter the US failed. But Rosario says this was not substantiated in the case that was presented to him. "At the moment of issuing the order, what the Justice Department handed me was an empty file and because of that there was nothing I could do".
He claimed that nobody had told him that Reynoso Mota had been deported from Mexico and that he was implicated in 51 crimes, including 36 murders. He blamed the Police and the Prosecutor General Office for the empty file.
Claudio Acosta of Hoy's 'Que se Dice' Column writes that Vantroi is known to have been the head of the hired killers gang known as "The 12 Disciples of Guachupita," held responsible for 36 murders, but there is little proof to sustain the case against him.
Acosta concludes that substitute judge Raul Rosario Hernandez is being used as a scapegoat in the case. Acosta says that despite all the noise built up by the Police around the case it is evident that investigators do not have evidence to back up any of the accusations.
He comments that the Dominican public has believed all the noise and the Supreme Court of Justice has responded by delivering Hernandez's head on a plate for having released Vantroi. Acosta says that the case exposes the endemic weaknesses in the Dominican judiciary and crime persecution organizations.

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