View Full Version : Vantroi to jail to await trial

04-30-2010, 06:00 PM
The Penal Chamber of the Appeals Court for the province of Santo Domingo has revoked a previous release on bail and ordered one year's preventive custody in Najayo jail for Raul Serumberto Reynoso Mota (Vantroi), who is linked to 36 murders.
The panel of judges, headed by Judge Olga Herrera Carbuccia, included Carmen Fortuna Belliard and Wendy Martinez Mejia.
They reversed the bail bond release order issued by then substitute judge Raul Rosario Hernandez in Yamasa, as they said that "the reasoning (behind the decision) was contradictory".
Despite the fact that Police say Vantroi has been involved in 51 crimes, the proof appears to be lacking. Vantroi is also accused of having multiple identities.
The judges ruled that there were sufficient elements of proof of Vantroi's part in the murders. The judges based their decision on his using false identity, and evidence of residence, which increased his flight risk.

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