View Full Version : Lingerie manufacturers want lower taxes

05-05-2010, 05:00 PM
Small businesses in the "Villa Panty" section in La Romana are asking for privileged status so they can pay lower taxes on the manufacture of lingerie. The businesspeople are mainly former free trade zone operators who have opened up their own shops and sell their low-cost goods to local stores.
The manufacturers say that if the government lowers the taxes the money could be used for importing better materials so they can improve the quality of the underwear they produce.
Quoted in El Dia, spokesman Carlos Zorrilla urged the authorities to authorize special tax schemes so that they can create more jobs in the province. "We pay lots of taxes, and that is a lot of money, from the moment we move the first freight container," he said. Zorilla says the main challenge at "Villa Panty" is the purchase of quality materials and accessories. They say that money saved on taxes could be then invested in purchasing better quality supplies, which would enable them to be more competitive and gain new customers.

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