View Full Version : DR fails to gain from DR-CAFTA

05-17-2010, 02:50 PM
A recent report by economist Luis H. Vargas based on statistics from the US Department of Commerce reveals that during the first quarter of 2010 the DR continued to lose its market share in the exports of DR-CAFTA countries to the US. As reported, the country's trade deficit continued to grow and surpasses that of other countries in the region.
As reported in Hoy, from January to March this year, when compared to the same period in 2009, Dominican exports to the US dropped from a 21% to 18% share.
Vargas said that the Dominican trade deficit has increased by 35% to US$1.95 billion, as a result of a 23.5% increase in imports to US$3.37 billion. Exports only grew 10.5% to US$1.4 billion, US$253 million less than the exports in the same period in 2008.
Vargas said that since the start of the implementation of DR-CAFTA in March 2007 to March 2010, the Dominican economy has accumulated a trade deficit of US$6.93 billion with the US, as a result of imports worth US$18.57 billion and exports worth US$11.64 billion.
He says that in the first quarter of this year, the deficit increased 46.6% from US$488.4 million to US$716.1 million. This is due to an increase in imports of 21.4% to US$1.53 billion from US$1.26 billion and a only slight increase in exports of 5.5%, which grew from US$776 to US$819 million, up 5.5%.

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