View Full Version : Stop peeing in public!

05-20-2010, 04:20 PM
Writing in today's Diario Libre, Amanda Castillo Levison complains about a practice that is becoming increasingly common in the DR - men urinating on the streets and roadsides, often in full public view.
She points out that the Dominican Penal Code defines this as sexual aggression: "the exposure of genitals, carried out at the sight of any person, in a public place (Paragraph II, Art. 333-1)". She goes on to say that, "urinating in the streets is now becoming such widespread behavior, to the point that it is becoming a true social phenomenon, especially on the part of men. It is all the more frequent to find an individual, regardless of origin or social status, urinating in full view of all, anywhere in the capital city and the rest of the country.
We have all seen someone stop near a tree, a wall, an automobile and even another person to relieve himself without a thought for others".
Castillo says that this transgression should be punished with 6 months to a year in prison, and fines of up to RD$5,000.
She complains that the practice now is happening at any time of the day and even in busy public places, such as Winston Churchill Avenue or the Mirador Park.
She complains that the government does not understand that public bathrooms are citizen rights. "The absence of these is an assault on citizens that do not know where the taxes paid go," she writes.
She complains that all along the 10km Mirador Park, including the Parque La Canquina children's playground that attracts hundreds of users, there is only one public bathroom. She says that public bathrooms should become a political campaign issue.
www.diariolibre.com/noticias_det.php?id=246084 (http://www.diariolibre.com/noticias_det.php?id=246084)

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