View Full Version : JCE says it will not be pressured

05-21-2010, 05:00 PM
"These things are not resolved with protests or riots because in the end we do not give in to pressure, this is a court and here the things have to be done according to the law".
This was the answer from the head of the Central Electoral Board (JCE), Julio Cesar Castanos Guzman, when reporters asked him about the complaints, threats and protests generated by candidates and parties that are objecting to the election results.
The head of the JCE thinks that the dissidents could be wasting their time with the expiration of the legal deadlines for filing complaints by making statements "in the newspapers and running around". He said that this "fussing" is usual in our political culture.
Yesterday, the leaders of several political parties continued "marching" to the headquarters of the JCE to claim "their piece of the pie". The first were the Social Christian Reformists (PRDC), the Christian Democratic Quisqueyano (PQDC) and the Social-Democratic Institutional Bloc (BIS), who claimed that having obtained 1% of the popular vote, they should have one of the at-large deputy positions. According to Tacito Perdomo, Elias Wessin Chavez, Jacqueline Ramirez and Jose Francisco Pena Guaba, the JCE Administrative Chamber had made a mistake by giving the PLD 3 at-large deputies and the PRD party 2. They base their claims on the fact that the regulations for the presentation of these posts say that, "they will be assigned in function of a seat for each party that obtains 1% until they fill the total number of seats (NT: 5 in this case)". Castanos said that it would be up to the Plenary to decide on this issue.

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