View Full Version : The dangers of success

05-25-2010, 02:50 PM
In an op-ed contribution to Diario Libre, Dr. Julio Baez warns government politicians of the dangers of success. He tells of his own experience when a consultant warned him to read into the success of his own business and take corrective measures while the going was good and this kept his company lean to survive the 2002-2004 exchange rate crisis in the DR. He says the ruling party needs to do the same thing and read into its own success in the mid-term election.
He recalls that in 1998, with the death of Dr. Pena Gomez, the PRD experienced a boom that led them to have 24 senators against 6 of the PLD, when President Leonel Fernandez was elected President. He says success again followed with the election in 2000 of engineer Hipolito Mejia to the presidency with a 49.87% vote. But then the pinnacle of success came in the 2002 congressional election, when the PRD won 29 senators and the PLD only 1 senator.
"That was when the process of 'dying by succeeding' began: they modified the constitution, reestablished presidential re-election and became arrogant (bat and run), the economic crisis came, their motto of 'to have power is to use it', and death arrived by way of the same success," he writes.
He recalls that the PLD won the 2004 election because the PRD died basking in its own success. In 2006, the PLD won 24 senators despite the pink alliance. Because of the macro-economic stability, success has happened again and President Fernandez was re-elected in 2008 with 54% of the vote. And now in 2010, the pinnacle of success has been reached: 31 senators for the PLD, 0 for the PRD.
Baez makes his recommendations to the ruling PLD party based on the past history:
Do not allow yourselves to be killed by your success. Do not reform the Constitution. Eliminate the "little barrel" (the million-peso funds given to legislators for discretional use). Draft bills that lead to real development, and that ensure that the social security law can be fully implemented. End the blackouts. Do not get drunk on power. Govern for the people and the country.
He concludes: "If you do not do so, I remind you that in 2002 the PRD had 29 senators against 1 of the PLD and then died from its own success."

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