View Full Version : Chamber of Accounts sermon

05-26-2010, 03:00 PM
Santo Domingo Bishop, Monsignor Amancio Escapa has strongly criticized the authorities of the Chamber of Accounts, the government body in charge of auditing and making government accountable for its spending. During a mass organized to celebrate the 155th anniversary of the entity, the Bishop asked what is happening with the organization. He said that before the mass, he sought the Chamber of Accounts web page and could not find any information on it. He then mentioned a claim by the Dominican Alliance Against Corruption that said the organization had been dismantled. "Is that true?" he asked. "What is going on? He asked looking straight at the president of the Chamber, Licelot Marte de Barrios. "Lately we have seen that that government department is not functioning," he said in the sermon.
The members of the Chamber of Accounts are among the highest-paid government officials.
In an editorial today, Hoy newspaper encourages the Chamber of Accounts to "enter into critical introspection to analyze and of course to correct, the unfortunate actions or omissions that have garnered the organization such a poor reputation. With Monsignor Escapa grows the number of Dominicans that consider that the control of public accounts should come up with something more than silence".

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