View Full Version : "Mayimbe" hospitalized with chest pains

05-26-2010, 03:00 PM
Popular Dominican merengue singer Fernando Villalona is reported to have suffered a near-heart attack on Tuesday, while he left a bank branch in Queens, where he has his business account. He was taken to a New York Hospital where he will stay for two days of observation.
Villalona's international manager Enrique Paulino (Enriquito) told Diario Libre reporter Miguel Cruz Tejada that Villalona had been hospitalized. Although he said that this was just "a little pain in the chest", a source in the medical center confirmed that the singer arrived suffering from what they called a "pre-cardiac arrest".
In addition, it was said that if Fernandito had not been taken to the hospital in time, he could have suffered a massive heart attack.
Paulino rejected reports that the merengue singer's heart problems had been caused by the strong emotional impact of the death of ballplayer Jose Lima, whose death Villalona had publically mourned.

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