View Full Version : Lawyers come to defend Figueroa

05-28-2010, 04:20 PM
National District prosecutor Alejandro Moscoso Segarra has described the fact that fugitive Puerto Rican Jose David Figueroa Agosto lawyers are coming to the DR to defend his case without their client appearing before justice as "absurd", as reported in Hoy. Moscoso said that the first thing Puerto Rican lawyers Ramon Negron, Dominic Rodriguez, Ruben Cerezo and Willy Barreto should do is bring their client to Dominican justice so he can answer to the charges being made. "Lawyers should not represent a fugitive," Moscoso Segarra said, inviting the lawyers to read the Dominican Criminal Procedures Code.
The lawyers have announced a press conference at the Hotel Lina on Monday at 9am. They plan to dispute what they describe as "all the false accusations being made against their client" and say they will present proof.
www.hoy.com.do/el-pais/2010/5/28/327568/... (http://www.hoy.com.do/el-pais/2010/5/28/327568/Fiscal-cree-absurdo-abogados-pretendan-defender-profugo)

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