View Full Version : Deputy chief of Navy attacked

05-31-2010, 02:00 PM
Rear Admiral Ramon Gustavo Betances Hernandez, inspector general of the Navy, and No. 2 in the Navy, was shot in the leg by a group of attackers while visiting his mother's grave at the Cristo Redentor Cemetery yesterday. He also suffered a concussion as a result of the attack. The assailants approached him to offer their services to clean the grave. The Police reported having arrested 25-year old Wilkin de los Santos almost immediately, which led to the arrest of 24-year old Franklin Dicent. One of them was found to be in possession of the naval officer's gun charger. The assailants had stolen his gun during the attack. The Police were able to solve the case in less than an hour. The deputy chief of the Navy was accompanied by his wife, who was unharmed.
He was taken to the Armed Forces Central Hospital, where he is recovering from the bullet wound.
Rosario said that Santos Lorenzo was drunk and drugged while committing the crime.
Listin Diario reported that attacks on people visiting their relatives' graves are not uncommon at the Cristo Redentor cemetery.

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