View Full Version : Handling dams in hurricane season

06-02-2010, 03:10 PM
The weekly meetings held by water sector managers are taking on a new dimension as they begin to take decisions on the use, distribution and handling of the water available in the reservoirs created by the nation's dams, such as Tavera, Valdesia and others. National Hydraulic Resources Institute (INDRHI) director Frank Rodriguez said that with the start of the hurricane season they have to change the protocols and rules for handling the reservoirs because rains are more frequent. As well as Rodriguez, the latest meeting was attended by the administrator of the Dominican Hydro-Electric Generation Company (Egehid), Victor Ventura, and Luis Jerez from the Meteorological Office (Onamet). Also present were members of the Dams and Reservoirs Operations Committee, the Santiago Water and Sewer Corporation and the National Potable Water Institute (Inapa).

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