View Full Version : Police: Murder of Col Gonzalez solved

06-02-2010, 03:10 PM
"High-ranking" sources have told Listin Diario reporters that they have arrested two men said to be the leaders of the gang of contract killers who murdered former Police Colonel Jose Amado Gonzalez Gonzalez, Omar Ramirez and Ruben Soto Hayet between December 2009 and May 2010. The murders appeared to be a "settling of accounts" somehow related to drug trafficker Figueroa Agosto, say the Police. The top chiefs of the gang of murders were identified as Gian Enrique Rojas Matos, 35, and Ricardo Perez Mateo, 30, who were arrested. The Police reported having discovered and confiscated weapons hidden in a business and in a house used by Rojas Matos.
The Police also say they have the gloves that the men used to avoid leaving fingerprints on the weapons and other evidence that links these men to the murders.
The sources told Listin Diario that Rojas Matos, a deportee from the United States, was linked to the gang headed by the drug trafficker known as "El Amarillo" who was deported to Puerto Rico and in whose place appeared Figueroa Agosto. All three crimes followed the same sequence. The gang followed the victims, killed them from a stolen SUV and then abandoned the vehicle. The Police say they are pursuing other individuals who are members of the same gang.
The announcement comes on the heels of the arrival in the country of lawyers of Puerto Rican fugitive Jose Figueroa Agosto.
Locally, the news of the Police having solved the case of the 5 murders said to be related to Figueroa Agosto and drug trafficking was received with skepticism and doubts.
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