View Full Version : Pregnancies and dropouts

06-04-2010, 04:30 PM
Unplanned pregnancies and early sex is the main reason for students to drop out from grade school, according to teachers and principals interviewed by the Listin Diario at public schools in Santo Domingo and Jarabacoa. "There are children that have dropped out when in 5th grade when getting pregnant, and they are 12 to 15 years old," commented Nicolas Perez, director of the Nieves Maria public school in La Colonia Agricola, Jarabacoa. The professors say that permissive parents and dysfunctional families worsen the situation. The principals complained of the indifference of the parents regarding the education of their children. They complained that most to not bother to visit the school to discuss problems with their children. He said that another problem is that too many students are practically on their own, since their parents have moved abroad for better work opportunities.
http://www2.listindiario.com/la-republica/2010/6/3/144763/... (http://www2.listindiario.com/la-republica/2010/6/3/144763/Embarazos-son-mayor-causa-de-la-desercion-en-las-escuelas)

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