View Full Version : [DR1] Students catch a police-thief

07-27-2006, 02:10 PM
Members of a student movement (Felabel) plus security forces of the state university (UASD) caught a man who they believe was responsible for several assaults at the university. The man would hide behind a facility under construction behind the National Archives, near the university. He would wait for his victims to walk by unaware, and frisked them of mobile phones, handbags, cash and other items. The assaults were mainly happening at night, which motivated the students to join their security forces to catch the individual. When a student was again assault at 8:30 pm and denounced the happening, the force was sent into motion and caught the man. When he was taken to the Police, it was determined he was an active policemen. He would use his police gun to intimidate his victims. Rector Roberto Reyna announced that the external corridor of the university would be reinforced with Policemen and two additional patrol vehicles. The university will also be installing a new system of camera surveillance.

Link To Original Article (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#9)