View Full Version : [DR1] Sun Land/US Eximbank deals

07-27-2006, 02:10 PM
Clave newspaper points out that Daniel Mejia, of Sun Land Group is talented when dealing with government officers. It points out that the Fundacion Global celebrated when a Dominican businessman living in Miami, Daniel Mejia, donated a metallic gold-plated statue to Funglode. The statue decks the lobby of the Fundacion, the think tank center of President Fernandez.

Clave points out that the US$132 million loan for Police equipment signed by Interior & Police and Finance ministers would not be Sun Land's first deal with the Dominican government. Daniel Mejia was also successful in offering his services to former President Hipolito Mejia. He previously secured financing to purchase helicopters and equipment for the Armed Forces with his company RO & G International Trading Corp for US$76.4 million in 2000, the first year of the Hipolito Mejia administration; then a second for US$115 million for teachers housing in 2001 through Sun Land & RGI-TC Co.; and a third in 2003, when Sun Land RGITC Corp secured the approval of US$43.6 million for an irrigation project with INDRHI in Azua. All these loans, like the one signed with the Fernandez government, were guaranteed by the US government export agency, US Eximbank.

His most recent deal with the government, the US$132.4 million loan, guaranteed again by US Eximbank, to equip the Police was rushed through congressional approval. But then rejected by the Technical Minister of the Presidency, who called it an "error." The project called for US$42 million in commissions and fees. Sun Land says that they are due payments given that Congress gave its approval.

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