View Full Version : Taking Dominique Lanoise home

06-10-2010, 04:00 PM
The Dominican Air Force is helping out US citizen Dominique Lanoise by making arrangements for her to return to Miami on Thursday at 6am.
The 40-year old woman is said to weigh more than 500lbs. She traveled to Port-au-Prince on board an American Airlines flight some three months ago to visit relatives in Haiti following the 12 January earthquake, but the airline refused to transport her back to Miami where she lives with her six children. Hoping to catch a flight from Santo Domingo, she traveled to the capital city on the back of a pick-up truck, but to no avail. Commercial airlines operating out of Las Americas International Airport also refused to board her, claiming she would not fit through the doors.
Dominican Civil Aviation Institute spokesman Pedro Jimenez said that IDAC was coordinating with the Air Force to give her a lift on a Caza 212 Air Force plane. She will depart from the San Isidro Air Force Airport with Dominican doctors on board.
While she was waiting for a way to return to Miami, she was taken in by some newly made friends in La Caleta, living in a humble dwelling.
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