View Full Version : Riding guaguas can be dangerous

06-11-2010, 04:20 PM
Santo Domingo's public transport system is under attack in some areas. Listin Diario reports that thieves have held up guaguas or minibuses headed for the neighborhood of Villa Maria 15 times in the last month. Neither tourists nor professionals use the routes that are being targeted with such regularity, just plain folks trying to get to and from their jobs on Routes 29, 29A and 29B, and from Independencia Park to Ensanche Espaillat in the northern reaches of the city.
Drivers are scared to drive through the barrios of San Carlos, Villa Francisca and Villa Maria because criminals board the little buses like regular passengers and use guns to rob everyone before getting off.
Robberies have also been reported on Route 50 in Los Mina in Santo Domingo East and on Route 16B. One of the drivers said that, "strangely all the attacks have occurred in Villa Maria, with several happening on the same corner, between 8 and 10 at night".
The drivers are meeting with officials to discuss how to put a stop to these robberies.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#11)