View Full Version : Breast-feeding hasn't caught on

06-14-2010, 06:10 PM
In the DR, 95% of mothers will try breast feeding, but only 8 of every 100 mothers will reach the recommended six months without introducing other foods, very much below the regional average of 39%.
Listin Diario reports that despite efforts by La Leche League, Dominican moms of all social strata prefer bottled milk. The newspaper says that pain at breastfeeding, family pressure, lack of information, introduction to bottled milk by health staff at maternity hospitals and the effectiveness of promoters of baby milk are all behind this failure.
She says that locally, women need to get back to work in three months, which combined with stress, ends the commitment for most mothers.
The newspaper says that despite the recommendation for exclusive breast-feeding into the sixth month, the mothers are under pressure from their mothers in-law, moms, husbands, pediatricians, gynecologists and nurses who advise them to supplement their milk with baby formula. When the babies cry out for more, the new moms grab a bottle, interrupting the natural process.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#11)