View Full Version : Sosua Music

06-15-2010, 10:53 PM
I was in Sosua about 2 1/2 weeks ago and I noticed there were three songs that were played constantly in the bars there. I tried looking on Top 40 Latin music sites with no luck (no preview to play the song).

I know this is a little vauge, but does anyone know what those three songs are called / artist. I think Joey had a couple of them playing in his reports.

Even if it's not the ones I'm thinking of, I can check them out. Thanks.

06-15-2010, 11:05 PM
Joey had Tony Dize ... playing in his report.

Nakom, check out www.sosuaonline.net (http://www.sosuaonline.net) scroll down on the right are the local top songs playing.

06-16-2010, 12:06 AM
Baller - thanks that's perfect!!

It did not have any of the three songs I was thinking of - but there is some good shit on that list.

06-19-2010, 03:50 PM
im pretty tone deaf but so i barely pay attention to whats playing but it would be nice to get a list of hot songs to put on my laptop or mp3 player for the chicas.

i got a bunch of songs for my last trip but i think the chick only liked like 4 of them outta like 500 lol.

i kinda think they like american music more tho i dunno.

what songs did you notice chicas liking?

06-19-2010, 05:54 PM
Yes I noticed they preferred American (I cant say "western" as it sounds like I am talking about country) music. For the most part they didn't even want to hear the Latino stuff. I did wonder if maybe I had brought the Michael Bolton or ABBA of Latin singers... I can just see them telling me they brought some American music for me to listen to and then play some carpenters or BGs...

06-19-2010, 07:56 PM
Was it Merengue music, perhaps Omega???

06-19-2010, 08:19 PM
I had 30 hours of Bachata, 30 hours of meringue, 30 hours of salsa, and 30 hours of traxx latino (basic crap they play in the disco).. so yeah general over preparedness :) The only one that came into use was the bachata - i got a couple lessons and did some dancing in my room. The rest they asked to turn it off or to play what I listen to at home..

Next time they ask I'll put on some Slim Whitman or Zamphir.

06-19-2010, 08:20 PM
Oh that was such a letdown for post 100... I would have liked to have hit triple digits with something a bit more relevant. On to the second 100!