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View Full Version : Dare to Drive? - STI to Sosua

Don Tomas
03-24-2005, 11:35 PM
I have shared my opinion from time to time and I want to repeat this is ONLY an opinion. Everyone has a different skill level and if you have driven on the flat plains of Kansas all your life you probably don't want to drive in the DR.

So you are in Santiago and want to go to Sosua, or visa-versa.

You have two options, there is a third option of going over the mountains through Moca but the other Mountain road is quicker.

See this map for referrence: http://www1.tip.nl/~t794614/dr/maps/mapdr.htm

Mountain Road #25
KM: 43 from the intersection with Highway #5 to Santiago.
Time: 30 to 60 minutes.
In Santiago: Carretera Luperon crosses Estrella S. and turns into Av. Bartolome Colon

Quicker to Much Quicker depending on the time of the day.
Beautiful Views (recommended for passengers only unless stopped)
Very light traffic, might see anywhere from Zero to 15 cars max during the trip.
Colmados every 50 feet, so never go thirsty!
Chicas looking for rides every 50 feet, so never go hor...
No major cities.

If you Fuck-up? Fall off the mountain, no guard rails!
Mud Slides if raining hard.
People walking on the road.
LOTS, did I mention LOTS of blind corners.
A few bad spots where the road is gone so caution needed.
Houses 0-3 feet off the roadway sometimes.
Steep Grades.
No Gas Stations.

Autopista Duarte (#1) & Autopista #5
KM: 85 from the intersection with Mountain Rd. #25 to Santiago.
Time: 70 to 120 minutes
In Santiago: Autopista Duarte runs into Estrella S, 27 de Feb., Carretera a la Cienaga.

Wider road and shoulders in most places.
Houses and shops well off the roadway.
Four Lanes between Navarette and Santiago (Autopista Duarte #1).
Smoother Grades if you rented a little car.
Long straight runs but still has blind corners.

LOTS, did I mentioned LOTS of heavy hauling trucks that crawl at 5-20 mph during the daytime!
Lots of traffic.
People tend to go faster. Speed Kills - Ralph Nader
Some long sections devoid of stores.
Road is in HORRIBLE shape due to the above-mentioned trucks and of course rain and mudslides.
You have to go through Puerto Plata and multiple stop lights and city traffic which can be bad at certain times.

Addendum: I have never timed it but due to the distance I believe that crawling up&down the mountain road (10-30 mph) would still be faster then the highway.

03-25-2005, 07:54 AM
I love having you back. The Minister of Information has returned. :D

03-25-2005, 09:07 AM
i think i'll take the ride i've been offred, or the caribe Tours bus and leave the driving to the pros! i want to get to paradise alive :lol:

03-26-2005, 01:10 AM
I have driven the mountain many times since I have been going to DR, the only time I was scared(keep in mind Im not a person that get scared easily) was when I drove the mountain at night time I will never do it again it is very,very dangerous be cautious, or dont drive at all wait until day light just stay in a cabana some where before you try that journey.

03-26-2005, 08:31 AM
It's scary, but fun! Kind of like a rollercoaster. I wouldn't dare drive it, but when I was with C-Mike, we didn't come across any problems. Well, except for the cows and the parade (yes...an actual parade!).

03-26-2005, 09:57 AM
it's ok to drive the mountainroad during the day :lol: .. I wouldn't do it during the night :?

03-26-2005, 12:13 PM
it's ok to drive the mountainroad during the day :lol: .. I wouldn't do it during the night :?

I have done it during the day. Just keep an eye out for anything.

03-26-2005, 01:00 PM
it's ok to drive the mountainroad during the day :lol: .. I wouldn't do it during the night :?

I have done it during the day. Just keep an eye out for anything.

i love to drive but don't want the extre DR style hassles while on vacation. if i lived there it would be different. i'll still leave it to the pro's for now. 8)

03-26-2005, 01:43 PM
I learned to drive in the caribbean and I live in NYC. I love being able to move whenever I want, so I always rent a car. I just exercise the same caution as I would anywhere else. Accidents can happen anywhere.


Don Tomas
03-26-2005, 02:18 PM
I have driven the mountain many times since I have been going to DR, the only time I was scared(keep in mind Im not a person that get scared easily) was when I drove the mountain at night time I will never do it again it is very,very dangerous be cautious, or dont drive at all wait until day light just stay in a cabana some where before you try that journey.

I find it easier to drive it at night, less people on the road. Night=1am-6am

The evening hours, sunset-midnight are a bitch because there are more people on the road socializing.

But again I know the road very well and as you all may have noticed I have a very good memory.

03-26-2005, 02:25 PM
I think the key is getting to know the road. I can imagine it being less intimidating each time you drove it. It's not as bad as I read about.

Don Tomas
03-26-2005, 02:33 PM
I think the key is getting to know the road. I can imagine it being less intimidating each time you drove it. It's not as bad as I read about.

Definitely that is a given.

I just wrote the cons bad so no one on their first drive tries it at sunset or something. Also to excerise caution in driving it.

Personally the mountain road is the best for me. I have picked up many chicas and even the occasional PN/military heading that way.

04-04-2005, 04:33 PM
I've decided to take the plunge, and will rent a car (for the first time in the DR) at STI and then drive to Sousa.

This is my 6th trip to the DR, and have used Caribe for the same trip (although via a different route) in the past. And since my flight arrives at 12:45pm, it WILL be a daylight drive.

I have decent maps... but suspect they show the "old" airport location, So I need directions for getting from STI to Mountain Road #25. It looks like once I'm on the mountain road, I should be OK.

If anyone advises (for this newbie gringo) the Autopista Duarte (#1) & Autopista #5 route instead, directions from STI to Autopista Duarte would also be helpful. Thanks.

04-04-2005, 04:48 PM
One time I'm driving on the mountain road to STI. I got a full car with me, Jimmy, Izzy, and Stephanie. Mav is driving the car behind me following me with his girl, Izzy's kids (papa is Jimmydr) and the babysitter, Yohaida. I'm flying and we finally get to Santiago and we stop at the first gas station. Well, Mav and his girl come running to me saying "WTF! Are you deaf? We have been honking for the last hour!" It turns out one of Izzy's kids threw up all over the car and MAV was dying from the stench! I checked out the car and it was a mess! I had a good laugh! :roll:

Don Tomas
04-04-2005, 04:51 PM
I've decided to take the plunge, and will rent a car (for the first time in the DR) at STI and then drive to Sousa.

This is my 6th trip to the DR, and have used Caribe for the same trip (although via a different route) in the past. And since my flight arrives at 12:45pm, it WILL be a daylight drive.

I have decent maps... but suspect they show the "old" airport location, So I need directions for getting from STI to Mountain Road #25. It looks like once I'm on the mountain road, I should be OK.

If anyone advises (for this newbie gringo) the Autopista Duarte (#1) & Autopista #5 route instead, directions from STI to Autopista Duarte would also be helpful. Thanks.

I purchased a new killer map of Santiago and one of these days I remember to bring it in to scan it at work.

As for the map you have it's probably the one from the same site I reference in the original topic post.

You are right the airport shown is now a jail and PN station.

The NEW airport is located off of Highway #1 SW of Santiago out towards Licey.

If you were to take #1 into Santiago you want to get off at Estrella S. (the main N-S street in Santiago) and head North.

If you want the Mountain route then turn left at Carretera Luperon, if you want to do the highway then continue straight until you hit the turnabout.

I will scan the map soon...

Don Tomas
04-04-2005, 04:53 PM
One time I'm driving on the mountain road to STI. I got a full car with me, Jimmy, Izzy, and Stephanie. Mav is driving the car behind me following me with his girl, Izzy's kids (papa is Jimmydr) and the babysitter, Yohaida. I'm flying and we finally get to Santiago and we stop at the first gas station. Well, Mav and his girl come running to me saying "WTF! Are you deaf? We have been honking for the last hour!" It turns out one of Izzy's kids threw up all over the car and MAV was dying from the stench! I checked out the car and it was a mess! I had a good laugh! :roll:

Maybe I should have included that as a CON.

If you have a weak stomach and get sick on kiddy rides, escalators, etc. then take the highway and skip the mountain road! :lol:

04-04-2005, 05:05 PM


04-04-2005, 06:42 PM

WillieIs the airport at it's present location on this map? And which way is Moca?

Don Tomas
04-04-2005, 09:55 PM


Larger map here but a little fuzzy.


Don Tomas
04-04-2005, 10:11 PM

WillieIs the airport at it's present location on this map? And which way is Moca?

The airport isn't on the map it is about 10+ miles SW of where the map ends down Autopista Duarte (A Santo Domingo).

As for Moca, the major road north of Autopista Duarte is Juan Pablo Duarte which will turn into Carretera Duarte heading west and eventually lead you to Moca.