View Full Version : Electricity update

06-22-2010, 06:10 PM
A report in today's Listin Diario says that the average power deficit yesterday stood at 24.6%, with 1,461 megawatts/hour availability compared to a 1,938-megawatt/hour demand. Issaachart Burgos, president of the Dominican Confederation of Small and Medium-Sized Companies (Codopyme), complained that the continuing problem of blackouts combined with high cost of electricity is the main factor affecting competitiveness of micro, small and medium-sized businesses in the DR. He says this affects the installation of new businesses and the survival of those already in business. He says that by using the proceeds of the sale of the 49% stake in the Dominican Petroleum Refinery to Venezuela for the payment of the electricity subsidy, the government is only postponing the solution of the electricity problem.
Superintendent of Electricity Francisco Mendez said yesterday that the government would not increase electricity rates and would continue to pay out the subsidy to electricity companies.

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