View Full Version : Large snake makes news

06-23-2010, 02:40 PM
An 18lb, 7-foot snake was found in a man's backyard yesterday, making news in the San Pedro de Macoris and Ingenio Quisqueya areas. Barrio El Silencio became the center of attention when Julio Cesar Jabalera brought out the large, non-poisonous snake, and some residents said they were moving out of the neighborhood because of their fear of the reptile. Julio Cesar said "it was sunning itself on a pile of leaves, and I was more surprised at first, and called some neighbors but they were scared and preferred to run away". Yesterday morning hundreds of curious onlookers went to the Jabalera house to see the snake that was on display as if it were a trophy. Many suggested that it should be taken to the National Zoo, while others thought it should be set free as it is a natural and efficient method of pest control.

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