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03-25-2005, 08:21 AM
Anybody have a pic of a cedula ? I would like to see the details.

I've seen some in DR, but I was always too drunk to decrypt.

Ok am I Mr FAQ/Info/Trivia or what...again a German page with odd information on the DR, I have found a few sites like this.



:shock: :D

03-25-2005, 08:58 AM
I would recommend checking the chica's cedula on this website to ensure it is not fake. it also has her picture. i think most current cedulas also have a picture but may not have always. better safe than sorry


copy it and email tjhe info to yourself for safe keeping. you now have her address, full name, birth date, etc...

If she knows you have her info you have the position of strength

03-25-2005, 09:54 AM
I would recommend checking the chica's cedula on this website to ensure it is not fake. it also has her picture. i think most current cedulas also have a picture but may not have always. better safe than sorry


copy it and email tjhe info to yourself for safe keeping. you now have her address, full name, birth date, etc...

If she knows you have her info you have the position of strength

And what if the chica is using her sisters cedula...

How are you going to know the difference?

03-25-2005, 09:55 AM
I would recommend checking the chica's cedula on this website to ensure it is not fake. it also has her picture. i think most current cedulas also have a picture but may not have always. better safe than sorry


copy it and email tjhe info to yourself for safe keeping. you now have her address, full name, birth date, etc...

If she knows you have her info you have the position of strength

And what if the chica is using her sisters cedula...

How are you going to know the difference?
i'm pretty dure they have a pic and if not it's probably out of date.
hopefully by the pic on the cedula :)

03-25-2005, 09:59 AM
Just point this out because it happened to me on several trips.

An older sister that took a pic when she was 18 will pass it off to a 17 year old sibling.

A 17 year old will resemble her sisters 18 year old photo pic.

And now really how many mongers are checking cedulas with a magnifying glass...

No we are too busy pulling off the chicas thong.

03-25-2005, 10:01 AM
you're absolutely correct. the info is there if we care enough about ourselves to make the effort.

04-25-2005, 08:41 AM
Seems every cedula i have ever seen looks like a mug shot. Hair pulled back and a dead stare straight ahead. Looks like the whole family. Now put in hair extensions, makeup and a smile and how the fuck how you going to tell. If in doubt move along. Unless of course her 18 cousins sitting at the bar vouch for her.

04-25-2005, 08:43 AM
That was me. I forgot to sign in

Seems every cedula i have ever seen looks like a mug shot. Hair pulled back and a dead stare straight ahead. Looks like the whole family. Now put in hair extensions, makeup and a smile and how the fuck how you going to tell. If in doubt move along. Unless of course her 18 cousins sitting at the bar vouch for her.