View Full Version : PC on Pedernales vote

06-24-2010, 03:20 PM
Civic group Participacion Ciudadana (PC) has criticized the ruling by the Central Electoral Board (JCE)'s Disputes Chamber that revoked an earlier decision to recount the votes in Oviedo, a municipality in the province of Pedernales, after serious inconsistencies and irregularities were detected.
Participacion Ciudadana says that a check of the voting acts from the station obtained from the JCE shows that the irregularities had affected the outcome. PRD candidate Saturnino Espinal says that 99 of the preferential votes of the PRD deputies were not added to his count, as established by the Electoral Law. In effect, the JCE decision preliminarily awards the senate seat to PLD candidate Dionis Sanchez with a majority of just 14 votes.

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