View Full Version : [DR1] Golden games for the DR

07-31-2006, 03:10 PM
The Dominican Republic finished in sixth place in the CAC Games that have just finished in Cartagena, Colombia. The final day saw Juana Arrendel win her third gold medal in the high jump and Johnson Garcia won gold in tennis. The Dominican Olympic team far outreached its goal of 80 medals, reaching 97. The martial arts of Judo, Tae Kwan Do and Karate contributed over a third of all the medals won in these games. In fact Judo and Tae Kwan Do were the largest single contributors to the Dominican medal haul. Karate, Weightlifting, Trap Shooting, Women's Volleyball, Table Tennis (men and women), team cycling, Judo, Boxing, Tennis, Tae Kwan Do and the high jump provided gold medals. These were the highlights. The low points included Felix Sanchez's failure to get any sort of medal, the washout of the much ballyhooed basketball team and the poor play by the men's volleyball team. All in all, most sports figures are saying that the games were a great success, despite some setbacks.

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