View Full Version : [DR1] Trinidad & Tobago want DR produce

07-31-2006, 03:10 PM
Trade representatives from Trinidad and Tobago (T&T) are currently in the Dominican Republic looking for produce that can be exported to the little islands in the southern Caribbean. The annual income of the citizens of T&T is over US$8,000 and GDP for 2004 was US$11.0 billion. The population is just 1.4 million and they are a net importer of foodstuffs. Spokeman for the T&T trade mission Ganesh Gangapersad told Listin Diario that the islands are looking to the Dominican Republic for fruit and vegetables for local consumption as well as for re-export to niche markets in the United States. Currently, trade between the Dominican Republic and Trinidad and Tobago stands at US$350 million, with the major share in favor of T&T because the Dominican Republic imports most of its LPG from that nation. Trinidad & Tobago is also looking to import fruit juices, rice, tubers and vegetables from the Dominican Republic. Currently, these products come from Costa Rica, Miami and Canada. The requirements are 30,000 tons of rice, 3,500 tons of carrots, 4,000 tons of fruit and juices, 200 tons of tomatoes, and 40 tons of vegetables.

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