View Full Version : [DR1] Aleman differs on Constitutional Consultations

07-31-2006, 03:10 PM
Jesuit priest Jose Luis Aleman, the head of the Economics Department at the PUCMM in Santo Domingo, announced that a Constitutional Consultation was not a legal method of changing the Constitution. In fact, he said that he sees the Dominican Republic on the verge of becoming a "failed State" because a large part of the population will not accept their basic role and the popular consultation for changing the constitution is not constitutional. He said that constitutional reform as proposed by President Fernandez was not backed by the Constitution itself. According to El Caribe, Aleman said that "if you want to modify the Constitution... by means of a popular consultation process, this method is excluded in Articles 116 through 120, specifically Article 120 says that the Constitution can only be changed by a Constitutional Assembly. We are going to institutionalize ourselves by committing an institutional sin."

Link To Original Article (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#3)