View Full Version : The mango judge

06-29-2010, 06:10 PM
From now on, Judge Cruz Bartolo Alvarez in Hato Mayor will always be known as the mango judge after he had his neighbor's son arrested and thrown in jail. TV show producer Odalis Batista allegedly refused to allow him to pick mangos that had fallen from his tree onto his neighbor's roof. Batista is director of Channel 10 Varo Vision in Hato Mayor.
Batista called Alvarez to come down from the roof after he had climbed up to collect the mangos that had fallen from his tree, without permission from the house owner, Batista's mother. Lucy Batista said that the judge was damaging her roof and demanded repairs for a damaged section of zinc. The Judge responded by ordering a police unit to arrest Odalis Batista, on the grounds that he had shown a lack of respect to his status as a judge.
Hoy reports that the arrest was illegal because the Police had acted without a previous order from the judge and without the formal presentation of a complaint.
Judge Alvarez argued that he had planted and tended the mango tree, and that Lucia Batista did not have to build her house under his tree.

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