View Full Version : News from Puerto Rico on Figueroa

07-01-2010, 03:00 PM
News reports from Puerto Rico focus on concerns that Puerto Rican fugitive Jose David Figueroa Agosto could regroup and take over the criminal drug trafficking ring formerly run by Angelo Ayala Vasquez (Angelo Millones) who is in detention. On 5 November 1999 Figueroa walked out of a high security jail in Puerto Rico where he was serving a 209-year sentence, using a fake identity and release order. El Dia reports that he had also secured the irregular release from the same jail of his Dominican friends Francisco Solano de los Santos and Vicente Calderon Ramos, who are still on the run. This pair was involved in the same case, that of Edward Martinez (El Guerrero) who was murdered in a feud over 100 missing kilos of cocaine that were shipped by a Colombian cartel. The case resulted in Figueroa being sent to jail for 209 years. After his escape from jail in Puerto Rico, Figueroa lived in the DR, flaunting his wealth under the fake identity of Cristian Almonte. Figueroa was Angelo Millones' partner in the DR.
El Dia reports that Figueroa was no ordinary inmate. His family was very active in politics in Bayamon, Puerto Rico, where his father was a leading figure in the then ruling Partido Nuevo Progresista.
El Dia says that the Puerto Rican authorities did not confirm his escape until 19 June 2000 when the special prosecutor of the Organized Crime and Drugs division Nelson Espinal Ortiz admitted that Figueroa Agosto, who had been sentenced in September 1995, was out. At that time, the judge dictated an urgent motion calling for his arrest, which led to his inclusion on the US Marshal's list. El Dia reports that by then Figueroa Agosto had already set up shop in the DR where he became a major player in the local crime structure.
www.eldia.com.do/nacionales/2010/6/30/28930/EU-teme-banda-se-reestructure (http://www.eldia.com.do/nacionales/2010/6/30/28930/EU-teme-banda-se-reestructure)

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