View Full Version : Upholding freedom of the press

07-02-2010, 03:40 PM
The judge of the Second Hall of the Civil and Commercial Court of First Instance of the National District ruled on 16 actions that can be interpreted as obstructing freedom of information and previous censorship. The judge ruled against these measures that seek to control the press. Judge Pedro Reynaldo Vasquez Lora's opinions came after he examined an appeal for protection made by lawyers of investigative journalist Alicia Ortega of Antena Latina Channel 7 (El Informe de Alicia Ortega) against Hector Rodriguez Pimentel, director of the Dominican Agrarian Institute. Ortega responded to notifications to advertisers that Rodriguez Pimentel had sent out alerting these they could be subject to legal suits if they sponsored programs produced by Ortega if derogatory mentions against Rodriguez were again included.
Judge Vasquez listed as factors that act against freedom of the press: monopoly of the media, government advertising in select media, violation of journalists right to protect their sources, ban on new media, application of fiscal measures, requirement of government authorization to publish, privileges and restrictions imposed to use technologies, restrictions on importing equipment for modernization of media, among others.
A board of lawyers acted to defend Ortega. These were Juan Manuel Pellerano Gomez, Luis Miguel Rivas, Olivo Rodriguez Huertas, Katiuska Jimenez and Laura Acosta.
Journalist Huchi Lora called the opinion a victory for journalists. The decision sets a precedent that government authorities cannot intimidate the press.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#7)