View Full Version : President has lunch with the press

07-05-2010, 06:00 PM
Dominican journalists for some time now have been requesting a press conference with the President. The local press has been complaining that the President has been more available for interviews with the international press, than with domestic press. Instead of holding a press conference, President Fernandez invited a selected group of journalists to a Presidential lunch prior to traveling to Europe. The Presidency has published this link to the conversation.
www.presidencia.gob.do/serve/videopopup.aspx?1=208&2=160&3=//stor/nparticles/video/agenda253.flv (http://www.presidencia.gob.do/serve/videopopup.aspx?1=208&2=160&3=//stor/nparticles/video/agenda253.flv)

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