View Full Version : Leonel's bluff?

07-05-2010, 06:00 PM
Former Vice President Milagros Ortiz Bosch says that President Leonel Fernandez is using his possible re-election in 2012 as a way of distracting local attention from the country's real pressing problems. "We are all concerned about re-election and not with the electricity problem, the fiscal deficit and the possible maneuvers for increases in taxes," she said.
As reported in Hoy, she said that the PRD has 75 deputies that would be enough to impede President Fernandez from reforming the Constitution so he can run again. President Fernandez succeeded in reforming the Constitution passed in January 2010 so that he can run for President again in 2016. To run in 2012, further changes would need to be made to the Constitution that bans consecutive re-election. The PLD, nevertheless, obtained the majority in the 2010 Congressional election to control Congress, the Supreme Court of Justice and the electoral courts.
President Leonel Fernandez invited a group of selected journalists to have lunch with him at the National Palace and last week, a large billboard appeared on the central 27 de Febrero avenue with the profile of President Fernandez contemplatively looking ahead with a Dominican flag in the horizon The title of the billboard: "The destiny".... and a Dominican flag in the background.
The most frequently asked question, though, is who would be the PLD candidate in the 2012 presidential election. Fernandez dissident Danilo Medina has announced his pre-candidacy. But the most high profile pre-candidate to date has been First Lady Margarita Cedeno.

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