View Full Version : Chulos - are they all "working for the man"...

07-05-2010, 08:27 PM
All this talk lately about chulos and the recent "tragedy" reported has me wondering - what percentage of the girls working the strip on Pedro Clissante are connected to one of these guys? Are any of them working truly independently, or do they all have someone behind the scenes taking a cut? I'm particularly curious, because rarely do any of these guys to my knowledge really do any work as an actual pimp might in hooking these girls up with gringos - they pretty much handle that themselves in Classicos or wherever.

So someone in the know - please enlighten me...

07-05-2010, 09:05 PM
Probably 90% of Dominicans and 60% of Haitians working the Strip in Sosúa have a guy at home who benefits from their earnings. But most of these guys are unlike pimps in First World countries. For a start there are relatively few controlling more than one chica. Secondly, while some may grab all the take and allow the chica only a pittance, the majority are more like "dependent boyfriends" whom the chica is willingly supporting or partly supporting. A major distinction is whether the chica is addicted to drugs.

Away from the strip the percentages I estimated may drop a lot. I have met a lot of independent working chicas in Puerto Plata. In some cases I was no doubt misled or misunderstood the situation, but many girls are very scathing about Dominican and Haitian males and avoid being involved with them, at least while they are hooking. This does not mean that they don't prefer them for "romance" so long as it is more or less on an equal footing.

Incidentally the reason I estimated a lower percentage for Haitians is to do with the way they make their way to the DR which often entails losing contact with their boyfriends, though many find new ones here. Haitian hookers typically live in all-female "communes" in the DR. Back in Haïti the percentage would no doubt be as for dominicanas here.

"Chulo" means "favorite", "fancy man", "loverboy", etc. and is not a direct translation of "pimp".

07-05-2010, 09:09 PM
probably most of them and i would imagine its like that all over the world...not much differs when a bitch is slinging pussy.

07-05-2010, 09:12 PM
I'd say a pretty large percentage of them have a "chulo" if that's what you want to call it.

Think of it like this. How many women do you know in your personal life that have a man of some sort? I'd imagine quite a few. And i'd imagine if those men were not working, they'd get a certain percentage of their woman's wages in the form of maybe, a place to crash, meals, cash or whatever. And i'd also imagine that those men would have a tough time dealing with the fact that their woman is a prostitute regardless of how desperate or macho they are.

So, chulos, novios, esposos, yada yada.....

I personally feel the whole "chulo" thing is overrated. tomAto, TOMaTO!!!

07-05-2010, 10:18 PM
This has actually been covered before. Extensively. In fact, there are at least three threads that I know of discussing it.

Bottom line. They're an avoidable part of the scene. They're there, and they're not going anywhere anytime soon. So why even worry about them?

I guess some guys may obsess over them because knowledge of the chulo's presence ruins their fantasy. But what are you going to do? Stop mongering?

I personally don't care about chulos as long as they don't interfere with my mongering experience. And it's rare that a chulo is going to do that. That would be like killing the "Golden Goose."

Let's let the putas worry about their chulos.

07-05-2010, 10:27 PM
These women are being controled by Chulos, Pimps, buscones, and I want to add 1 other type I think i ran into recently called "Papi"s

Not "Papi Chulo" cause I see Chulo's as the types that the girl goes home to and supports. Pimps string girls out on drugs/sex/partying to control them. "Papi"s look like they are levels above the regular street type or campo leach and aren't using vices to control their women.

I recently had a experience w/a girl down there. She definitely didn't have a boyfriend or traditional pimp. She found a nice balance w/the buscones to get hers. But there is something else controlling her in a way that i still don't understand. She ran w/a pretty deep crew of in my opinion of Sosua best and they all answered back to that "Papi". I spent alot of time w/her and her crew and I dont think it was a Papi Chulo because I've never seen them do drugs, they party but they arent sloppy chicas they are all business in Sosua, and it's not the sex cause all these girls are related.

What bothers me is that i didnt know or understand what this Papi had over all those girls to control them. I know he wasnt the regular street type because she had too many connections. for example i've been pulled over in sosua, san pedro, SD, by the police and taken back to their stations so they can really get my $$$. Each time she picked up her phone made a call and by the time we would get to the station their was a different Major pulling up in his jeep to make the cops sh*t their pants and get me out of trouble.

This Papi has a really strong game going in DR. I'd like to find out more about it

07-05-2010, 10:32 PM
Bottom line. They're an avoidable part of the scene. They're there, and they're not going anywhere anytime soon. So why even worry about them?

I guess some guys may obsess over them because knowledge of the chulo's presence ruins their fantasy. But what are you going to do? Stop mongering?

I saw this post after mine and I agree but the reason i even thought about it or let it get to me is because .......

I personally don't care about chulos as long as they don't interfere with my mongering experience

This Papi messed up my mongering experience w/a Chica. I will find 100s of other ones there but this Papi did ruin this one for me....

07-05-2010, 11:13 PM
What???? You don't know who Papi Chulo is? :)

07-05-2010, 11:24 PM
What???? You don't know who Papi Chulo is? :)

I can work around the WU-boyfriends, chulos, buscones, and pimps but whomever this "Papi" was his game was strong!

07-05-2010, 11:41 PM
probably most of them and i would imagine its like that all over the world...not much differs when a bitch is slinging pussy.
Well Said :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

07-06-2010, 12:10 AM
IMHO, any young chica, Haitian or Dominican who does not have any children has a boyfriend who she supports with your money paid for her affections. Hell, I know one who has two little girls who has a steady gringo and she is married to a Dominican. The husband loves it when her steady gringo comes down. The steady pays and the husband has pesos to spend on his girlfriends.

That is why I like to ask when I see some chica that attracts me, "how many children do you have". And where do they live? If they say 2 great, if it's 3 even better because then there is a better chance the money I give her is for the support of her kids and not some lazy chulo.

Not only that I have found the better chicas in bed are not the young ones but the ones in their mid to late 20's who have had some experience. If it's a one night stand I don't want to teach I want performance.

At my age now I want performance over looks because when the lights are off they all look the same. I'm sure they appreciate the lights off so they can fantasize being with some one else as well.

07-06-2010, 01:37 AM
86.3% on Monday till Wednesday
94.7 on Thursday till Sunday

who gives a fuck

07-06-2010, 02:07 AM
#11,#5, and #2 is all you need to know about your question, OP! :)

When you fuck these chicks, are you really thinking about the other:asshole: inside?

07-06-2010, 07:08 AM
#11,#5, and #2 is all you need to know about your question, OP! :)

When you fuck these chicks, are you really thinking about the other:asshole: inside?


Mods, you can erase the rest.

Weyland's post could be the encyclopedia, and Billy's the practical application.

Like I've said before, EVERY girl has her favorite dick.

It ain't yours, Dorothy.

It's some nice lookin' motoconcho driver with a ramrod between his legs that she fell in love with back when she was 13.

And Papi? Papi is a term that almost every woman on this island uses at some point of time to refer to a man. I've been called Papi by checkout girls in the supermarket! There's no romantic connotation to the word 'papi'

07-06-2010, 09:30 AM
Well Said :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

i thought its was pretty much common sense myself but i guess some will never get it as to why the thread was created....

07-06-2010, 10:45 AM

Mods, you can erase the rest.

Weyland's post could be the encyclopedia, and Billy's the practical application.

Like I've said before, EVERY girl has her favorite dick.

It ain't yours, Dorothy.

It's some nice lookin' motoconcho driver with a ramrod between his legs that she fell in love with back when she was 13.

And Papi? Papi is a term that almost every woman on this island uses at some point of time to refer to a man. I've been called Papi by checkout girls in the supermarket! There's no romantic connotation to the word 'papi'

Only if she was a late starter:wink:

Cuba Libre
07-06-2010, 01:55 PM
This has actually been covered before. Extensively. In fact, there are at least three threads that I know of discussing it.

Bottom line. They're an avoidable part of the scene. They're there, and they're not going anywhere anytime soon. So why even worry about them?

I guess some guys may obsess over them because knowledge of the chulo's presence ruins their fantasy. But what are you going to do? Stop mongering?

I personally don't care about chulos as long as they don't interfere with my mongering experience. And it's rare that a chulo is going to do that. That would be like killing the "Golden Goose."

Let's let the putas worry about their chulos.Unfortunately, the chulo does interfere.

More than once, I've arranged for a TLN, and after we've gone back to the room, the girl gets a phone call, and she says the she has to go.

She'll generally make an excuse that her baby or mother is sick, but the reality, it's the boyfriend/chulo. One girl actually was honest enough to tell me that it was her boyfriend.

07-06-2010, 02:09 PM
Unfortunately, the chulo does interfere.

More than once, I've arranged for a TLN, and after we've gone back to the room, the girl gets a phone call, and she says the she has to go.

She'll generally make an excuse that her baby or mother is sick, but the reality, it's the boyfriend/chulo. One girl actually was honest enough to tell me that it was her boyfriend.

"Hurry up and get back here with the money, bitch, me and my friends are thirsty"

07-06-2010, 02:11 PM
More than once, I've arranged for a TLN, and after we've gone back to the room, the girl gets a phone call, and she says the she has to go.

They are testing the waters to see what they can get away with.

07-06-2010, 02:17 PM
Unfortunately, the chulo does interfere.

More than once, I've arranged for a TLN, and after we've gone back to the room, the girl gets a phone call, and she says the she has to go.

She'll generally make an excuse that her baby or mother is sick, but the reality, it's the boyfriend/chulo. One girl actually was honest enough to tell me that it was her boyfriend.

i read about that, but i think to avoid that you make it clear that is a no no before commiting to the slut. if that happens to you, blame it on yourself for not being clear and percise with what you expect. i dont spea
spanish and had no issues stating my demands.

you just need to be upfront and air out your conditions.

07-06-2010, 03:04 PM
You guys are making this too complicated. (KISS), 1. you meet chica, 2. you take chica to your room,3. you have sex with chica, 4. you pay chica, 5. she leaves. Now, what she does with the money she earned (give to chulo,or give to kids) is her business Who she's with before and after she leaves my room is her business. I dont give a fuck about her chulo (boyfriend).

07-06-2010, 06:45 PM
Unfortunately, the chulo does interfere.

More than once, I've arranged for a TLN, and after we've gone back to the room, the girl gets a phone call, and she says the she has to go.

She'll generally make an excuse that her baby or mother is sick, but the reality, it's the boyfriend/chulo. One girl actually was honest enough to tell me that it was her boyfriend.

I don't have this problem for two reasons. Number one, if a chicas starts talking this shit, I let her know that her pesos will be cut accordingly. And two, I'm usually staying in a villa with my buddies. So her leaving means me getting up, getting dressed, and driving her out to rte. 5. And no matter what she says, if I don't feel like doing all that, I don't.

Most times, all it takes is being firm. I wish a ho would tell me her boyfriend wanted her to come home early. Well, tell him to hop on his moto and come get your ass then. I guarantee you she kills that bullshit quick. :rolleyes:

07-06-2010, 09:26 PM
Is it this one? YouTube- Papi Chulo video :biggrin:


07-06-2010, 10:34 PM
You guys are making this too complicated. (KISS), 1. you meet chica, 2. you take chica to your room,3. you have sex with chica, 4. you pay chica, 5. she leaves. Now, what she does with the money she earned (give to chulo,or give to kids) is her business Who she's with before and after she leaves my room is her business. I dont give a fuck about her chulo (boyfriend).

Do I get an A-men from the congregation! Yessir.... 1000 pesos, suck, fuck, and get the fuck out.

07-07-2010, 03:24 AM
Chulos make great wingmen...they can introduce you to some great girls!!