View Full Version : [DR1] A hot August requires caution

08-01-2006, 03:10 PM
Adults, people with high blood pressure or cardio-vascular problems should exercise more caution as the nation heads into a hot August. August is normally the hottest month in the Dominican Republic. Cardiologist Dr. Pedro Urena Velasquez is warning that the higher temperatures expected in August will require special attention with regards to hydration. In other words, people have to drink more water to fight the effects of heat. A lack of water can cause a serious drop in blood pressure leading to collapse or fainting. The doctor recommends light clothing, shady areas and well ventilated or air conditioned places indoors. July has been an unusually pleasant month, with few 30-32C days, due primarily to cooling effects of frequent tropical waves in the area that have brought some rain, some thunderstorms, some tropical showers and some sun peeking through from time to time.

For current weather updates, refer to the last post at http://dr1.com/forums/showthread.php?t=50817

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