View Full Version : [DR1] DR-CAFTA bill to be submitted

08-01-2006, 03:11 PM
The government will submit a bill to Congress for the implementation of the DR-CAFTA agreement compiling all legislation required by the treaty, according to the Director of the National Planning Office (ONAPLAN) Guarocuya Felix, who spoke to the press after a meeting with a technical mission from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Hoy reports that the bill is meant to resolve the conflicts that have delayed the implementing of the FTA. The IMF mission is in the country to evaluate the implementation of institutional reforms contained in the agreement it signed with the DR. Felix said the bill would be submitted to Congress when the new legislative session begins on 16 August.

The bill will be submitted once discussions with the US Trade Representative Office (USTR) are completed regarding pending documentation for the updating of the 65-00 Copyright Law, 20-00 Industrial Property Law, Law 173 (1966) on Foreign Dealerships, Law on Bribery (new), Procurement Law (new), and passing of resolutions on the environment, labor, customs (digital products, rules of origin, temporary internment, expedite dispatching of merchandise) and agriculture (import licenses, sanitary and phyto-sanitary inspection systems, agriculture safeguards, and quotas) and decrees regarding general safeguards, numeric portability (mobile phones), and creating of an institution at the PUCMM university for resolution of conflicts on domain names.

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