View Full Version : [DR1] Police purge

08-01-2006, 03:11 PM
Police Chief Bernardo Santana has said that in the last three months, 146 officers have been dismissed from the force. He explained that there has been a major reorganization of the Police structure so there is a clear line of mandate.

Of these, 30 agents/officers resulted positive in drug testing. The remaining 161 were released for bad conduct, and 61 were sent to justice (24 to civil courts and 37 to police courts). He said that 55 were separated from the force due to indiscipline and violation of Police ethics. As reported in Hoy, he said that during a preventive patrol of a city, he came across an agent with a glass in his hand. When asked what he was drinking, the agent said "juice", but the juice turned out to be whisky. The agent is under investigation and is expected to be dismissed.

Catalina Piron, coordinator for the Committee for the Defense of Barrio Rights (Copadeba) told Hoy that they are concerned that the dismissed policemen could become potential criminals and called for their firearms to be confiscated. Piron said that the agents who tested positive in the anti-doping tests could be involved in drug distribution. She said that it is no secret that agents in the barrios are on the payroll of drug traffickers, and suggested constant rotation of the agents. Piron supports the government actions, but is opposed to indiscriminate raids. She requested that the government integrate schools, families and social organizations to the plan against crime.

Link To Original Article (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#3)