View Full Version : [DR1] Crime down 50%

08-01-2006, 03:11 PM
As reported in Hoy newspaper, Police Chief Bernardo Santana Paez says that violent crimes are down by 50% as a result of the new crime-fighting measures. He said that while between Thursday, 20 July and Sunday 23 July there were 24 deaths and 63 injured from gunshot or knife wounds, during this same period last week, the total number of deaths was 12 and injured 34. He said that the trend is for crime to decline as patrolling operations are honed. He said that on average there would be 15 deaths in colmadones, bars and discotheques that now have to close by midnight on weekdays and Sundays and are allowed to remain open until 2 am on Fridays and Saturdays. Santana said that after the curfew was imposed, there has not been a single case of violence in these drinking spots.

Santana told Hoy newspaper that in the past, youths would drink until 3 or 4 am, and drunk, they would hit the streets firing shots into the air. "This was like Star Wars," he commented, explaining that as a result people would be injured and even killed by these stray bullets.

Santana said that the measures would continue "indefinitely", and that they could be strengthened.

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