View Full Version : [DR1] Police generals on patrol

08-01-2006, 03:11 PM
Twenty-three police department generals were incorporated into the mixed patrols last night to strengthen the emergency crime-fighting program, which according to the authorities has fulfilled expectations by more than 90 percent. According to reports by Diario Libre, Police Chief Bernardo Santana Paez informed that five generals would be supervising the Santo Domingo metropolitan area, and another three will be distributed across Santo Domingo province, Villa Mella and Los Alcarrizos. He said that during last Sunday's patrolling 840 people were arrested out of 2,674 who were searched, and eight firearms and 34 knives were seized. A police report indicated that 422 motorcycles were impounded due to lack of documentation and 41 portions of a substance believed to be cocaine were seized.

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