View Full Version : Colombia & DR anti-drug agreement

07-12-2010, 01:40 PM
Major General Carlos Rafael Altuna Tezanos, chief of the Air Force, revealed the Dominican and Colombian governments have signed an air interdiction agreement to fight drug trafficking in the Caribbean Corridor. Altuna Tezanos says this is important for regional security. He said that Major General Tito Saul Pinilla, who is chief of operations of the air force in Colombia will visit soon to finalize the details of the agreement and other measures that can be taken jointly to fight drug trafficking. He said the agreement was signed when Major General Altuna Tezanos visited Colombia earlier this month to meet with his colleague, General Jorge Ballestero Rodriguez. "They will place their technological platform, their radars and their Super Tucano airplanes to combat the common scourge," he told the Listin Diario in an interview. He said the government is building the Aerosur Command at the Barahona Maria Montez International Airport. "We know it is a vulnerable region," he said. He explained it would not affect other operations of the airport.

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