View Full Version : New drug control agency needed

07-12-2010, 01:40 PM
Peravia Senator Wilton Guerrero has suggested that the National Drug Control Department should be dismantled. He has frequently praised its director, Major General Rosado Rosario, but now says the department is so infiltrated by drug trafficking, that the struggle against drugs is difficult for any director.
As reported in Listin Diario, he said that although airborne drug drops are down, sea and land-based drug trafficking from Haiti are on the rise. Guerrero was the first to denounce the way that drug trafficking had infiltrated government organizations in the aftermath of the Paya case where six drug traffickers were murdered in 2008. He called for the creation of a new entity to persecute drug trafficking with a selection of civilians.
He called for the replacement of the director of prisons, Manuel de Jesus Perez Sanchez, on the grounds that he is not in control of the country's prisons. He mentioned a recent escape by eight dangerous criminals, the incident when witness Frederick Medina Abud was abandoned by his jailers, and killings inside the jails, and said that these cannot be taken as isolated cases, but rather as part of a chain of events.

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