View Full Version : First timer to DR

07-13-2010, 01:01 AM
Hello Friends,

I am hoping some of you can answer these questions for me. I am visiting DR for the first time with 15 of my good friends in November for 4 nights. All of us are visiting DR for the first time :)

If I am staying at New Garden, 1) what is around NG to do during day time? are there beaches close by? I know passions is a great option, but is there anything around NG to pick up chicas to bring back?

2) What is the best time to be around Sosua in the evening? Where should I go to pick up girls and will they come back to NG since it is far?

3) Do you recommend us getting a hotel in Sosua or is it good enough for us to stay at New Gardens?

I really appreciate if you can help me get some direction around where to pick up girls near New Gardens and Sosua. Also, what should we do or where to visit in Sousa for girls and party.

I apologize if this is not the right section to post these comments, I am still getting used to this great forum.

07-13-2010, 01:10 AM

The New Garden Hotel is in central Sosua.

It is a 5 minute walk to the entrance of the beach from the New Garden, 10 minutes if you stroll. :D

Everything is around the NG or less than a 15 minute walk or a 5 minute motoconcho (motorcycle taxi) ride away.

There are almost always girls around and available but it depends on the time of day....it's all good!

The NG sounds like the right place if you all can get rooms. You'll meet a lot of guys from ISOC there and there are usually a few chicas hanging around too :)

If the NG does not have enough rooms try The Sea Breeze Hotel as well. It's just 1 minute walk away.

Try and use the SEARCH function for your next bunch of questions; all the answers are already here buried in excellent trip reports!

Hello Friends,

I am hoping some of you can answer these questions for me. I am visiting DR for the first time with 15 of my good friends in November for 4 nights. All of us are visiting DR for the first time :)

If I am staying at New Garden, 1) what is around NG to do during day time? are there beaches close by? I know passions is a great option, but is there anything around NG to pick up chicas to bring back?

2) What is the best time to be around Sosua in the evening? Where should I go to pick up girls and will they come back to NG since it is far?

3) Do you recommend us getting a hotel in Sosua or is it good enough for us to stay at New Gardens?

I really appreciate if you can help me get some direction around where to pick up girls near New Gardens and Sosua. Also, what should we do or where to visit in Sousa for girls and party.

I apologize if this is not the right section to post these comments, I am still getting used to this great forum.

07-13-2010, 01:22 AM
Kuttapan, you posted in the Newbi section in MARCH that your would go through the board ...
Just curious what you have been reading since then ?? , since your asking today in JULY , if there is a Beach nearby in Sosua ??? ? and youre asking if there are girls near the NG u can pick up ?
Im sorry, not trying to be rude, but thats just really Funny stuff right there. ...:lol:
If you got 15 Guys going with you on this trip , it would REALLY behoove you to start reading a little bit on this Forum, there is a LOT of info here . It would be a shame not to take advantage of it.
And Paying for for the picture access would also be a really WISE investment for you, IMO.

07-13-2010, 01:28 AM
hey there, im not a veteran of this board by any means i have never been to dr or sosua for that matter and donot claim to know what most of these guys know about sosua. With that being said, I am heading there myself to sosua on the 1st of August and, i figured i would throw in the information that i have found to try and help you out. I have done quiet a bit of researching and asking questions to members of this board so i guess you can say you can trust my advice.
A friend and I have reservations at a hotel in sosua called rockys blues bar and hotel. I was trying to find a chica friendly hotel so i would not have to pay extra fees and whatnot to get them back to my room. some hotels or all inclusive resorts i hear dont allow it. Rockys will for free. I booked for August 1st through August 11th in a 2 bedroom condo. i emailed rockys and the owner i believe is named Rick? replied to me that he would Pick us up at the pop airport and bring us back when we are headed home for free! thats pretty awsome. The charge for the room itself is going to be US$ 450 for the first week 7 days. Then US$75 for each of the 2 extra nights we will be staying. Also a cleaning fee of US$ 30 will be added to the 450 but is included already in the 75 for the 2 extra nights. I do believe you can rent a single bedroom hotel for 25$US without a/c and if you want a/c add 5 bucks and you'll have it. So, anyway my total charge for the room is going to be US$630 which is incredible compared to the place i was going to be staying at first. It was going to cost me US$ 1033. So glad i did my research! As far as la passions if your interested in more info they have a website http://www.lapassion-sosua.com/. They have all the info you will want to know.
I have done a considerable amount of research about finding chicas in sosua. I have even emailed Rick and asked him how's the chica finding game around the general area we will be in and, he said very very easy. I understand that you can pretty much walk anywhere you want to go once your in sosua. Some of the places to go to find chicas that i have heard of are Classicos, i beleive this is also called club 59 although im not certain. theres some place called El Flow is supposed to be another decent spot. Although the way I understand it, is that the chicas are pretty much any where man. Walking around to and from bars, resturants, and clubs. just doing there everyday thing. It should not be any problem to run into them. As i have read in several post you dont need to find them they will find you in mass numbers! I am sorry but i dont know a damn thing about NG i havent even researched it one bit. Also i think that the going rate for most chicas around sosua is 1500rds to 2500RDS depending on your haggeling skills. ha ha. La passions website actually has a menu a photo line up of the chicas and price ranges for how ever long you want to keep them. I believe they even offer massages. i guess the way i have read it is that once your in sosua you dont really have to worry about the night life scene or partying man. Its all right there everythings consolodated in a general area, and if you absolutly dont feel like walking Rick told me that you can pretty much take a motoconcho anywhere from 25rds during the day to 50 at night.
I hope i helped out some man. i Know when i was first looking into going it was kind of hectic trying to find the information I was looking for until i found this forum. This really has helped me alot. If i werent for this board i never would have known about sosua or rockys. take care and good luck if i can help out in anyother way dont be afraid to ask.

07-13-2010, 02:11 AM
Brothers, thank you so much for trying to help me out. JD, I realized I joined in this site about a year ago after I posted these questions and I was asking the same questions as you did to me ... lol .... I apologize to all for being a jack ass by asking these questions without taking much efforts to go through the forums. I thought getting around the forum was really a hassle, but I realized it is really easy with a little bit of surfing and searching. I will RTFF before I ask my next set of questions :) Going through some of the forums and comments I noticed this forum has some real cool cats! I hope I get to meet some of you in October (If plans doesn't change). Thanks again for taking time to respond.

07-13-2010, 02:13 AM
BTW, JD I will pay to get full access also by end of this week. Jonew ... I am looking forward to your Trip Report.

07-13-2010, 02:19 AM
BTW, JD I will pay to get full access also by end of this week. Jonew ... I am looking forward to your Trip Report.
Thats a good idea, esp if 15 of your Buds are counting on you.
You will be like their tour guide though Happyland, with just a little Homework. Your going to have a Blast, esp if you come armed with knowledge.

07-13-2010, 02:51 AM
Just paid for 1 year subscription ... can't wait for it to be activated!

07-13-2010, 09:45 AM
Just paid for 1 year subscription ... can't wait for it to be activated!

It needs to clear.

07-13-2010, 01:29 PM
Hello Friends,

I am hoping some of you can answer these questions for me. I am visiting DR for the first time with 15 of my good friends in November for 4 nights. All of us are visiting DR for the first time :)

If I am staying at New Garden, 1) what is around NG to do during day time? are there beaches close by? I know passions is a great option, but is there anything around NG to pick up chicas to bring back?

2) What is the best time to be around Sosua in the evening? Where should I go to pick up girls and will they come back to NG since it is far?

3) Do you recommend us getting a hotel in Sosua or is it good enough for us to stay at New Gardens?

I really appreciate if you can help me get some direction around where to pick up girls near New Gardens and Sosua. Also, what should we do or where to visit in Sousa for girls and party.

I apologize if this is not the right section to post these comments, I am still getting used to this great forum.

The NG is one of the better motels & it is a short walk to everything you could possibly need or want.

Most guys spend the day hanging out at the pool or the beach. There are several dive shops nearby if that is you thing. Excursions can be arranged through the NG management or at Mel’s tours around the corner. I believe that the NG is an agent of Mel’s tours.

Chicas are available 24/7 and can be found everywhere. Just walk around town anytime day or night. Chicas can also be found at the NG pool/bar from early afternoon until evening. The strip starts to peak around 10pm and goes until….well past my bed time.
Don’t worry, the chicas will fine you. They can smell a newbie. The hard part is choosing chicas that are dram free & accommodating. Sometimes you get a winner, sometimes you get burnt. If you get burnt write it off as a learning experience and go out hunting again.

I would high recommend you check out La Passions especially if you are not having any success with the strip chicas. All the Passion chicas I have taken back to the NG have been great. Talk to the bar manager she will set you up with one that meets your requirements.

Villa Chessa Hotel
07-13-2010, 04:17 PM

Visit my website xxxxx.

07-15-2010, 11:09 PM
I should have used a credit card to purchase the subscription. The wait for full activation is killing me :) I am seeing "There are no Post" message on premium photo forums. Is that because my subscription is not activated yet?

07-16-2010, 06:55 PM
BTW, JD I will pay to get full access also by end of this week. Jonew ... I am looking forward to your Trip Report.

If you are waiting for JD's trip report, you will be waiting a long, long, time........... :)