View Full Version : US Eximbank to help modernize PN

07-14-2010, 02:40 PM
The top executives of the United States Export-Import Bank have expressed interest in financing programs aimed at modernizing the Dominican National Police. President Fernandez discussed this possibility with Fred Hochberg, president of Eximbank at their meeting in Washington yesterday. Funding could be available for equipping vehicles, installation of hi-tech crime laboratories, and technical equipment for research and staff training.
Representing the Dominican government at the meeting were Hacienda Minsiter Vicente Bengoa, Economy, Planning and Development Minister Juan Temistocles Montas, Central Bank Governor Hector Valdez Albizu and Presidency press director Rafael Nunez.
US Eximbank loans have attracted controversy in the past for financing government-backed purchases without tenders and scant supervision. Several Dominican towns are marked with the skeletons of a multi-million dollar sports venue program financed by the entity during the Hipolito Mejia administration, among other questionable purchases.

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