View Full Version : Presidential hopefuls on re-election

07-16-2010, 03:50 PM
The possibility that President Leonel Fernandez will run for re-election continues to generate criticism from political leaders, the latest being presidential hopefuls Miguel Vargas Maldonado and Jose Tomas Perez who when interviewed, said that the Constitution is clear in its prohibition of re-election, as reported in Diario Libre.
PRD president Miguel Vargas Maldonado commented that besides the fact that the Constitution should be obeyed by everyone, starting with the President of the Republic himself, "the Constitution says very clearly, that he is prohibited from consecutive re-election, and if President Fernandez decides to try and re-elect himself he will have to make a constitutional modification and he will have to bear the consequences".
The political leader was questioned about the billboards promoting the President's re-election. He reminded reporters that a pledge to maintain the ban on re-election was part of the pact that he signed with Fernandez, where they also dealt with specific points that would benefit the country and that are in the Constitution.
Nevertheless, he said that at this time the pact is not important because there is "the Law of laws, the Magna Carta, which is our Constitution".
The constitutional impediment was also pointed out yesterday by the aspiring presidential candidate for the PLD, Jose Tomas Perez. "The Constitution has been clear. I understand that this issue has been defined by the Constitution", he said. Perez said that the PLD Political Committee would discuss the issue when President Fernandez considers it pertinent.

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