View Full Version : Nation's oldest trauma center is 50

07-16-2010, 03:50 PM
Budget limitations are the main obstacle faced by the Dario Contreras University Teaching Hospital, as it reaches the 50-year mark of uninterrupted operations. Hospital director Dr. Hector Quezada said that they receive RD$6.5 million every month from the national budget but the running costs are closer to RD$12 million. Quezada says that to provide "total coverage", the hospital would need to triple the monthly budget. "He says the hospital makes do with the money it recovers from health insurance companies, and by charging "a very small recovery fee".
Executives, medical personnel and administrative staff, along with special invitees, celebrated the hospital's 50th anniversary during a ceremony held at the hospital.
During the event, Dr. Quezada highlighted the changes that have been made at the trauma center, which he says has gone from being " a place of craftsmanship" to becoming "a modern hospital with all of the technological advances possible to serve the country".
One of these advances is the installation of a technological platform that will permit the computerization of the patients' clinical histories. The hospital deals with some 60,000 emergencies each year.

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