View Full Version : DNCD goes civilian

07-16-2010, 03:50 PM
The National Drug Control Department (DNCD) will no longer recruit from the military ranks and the trend is to gradually remove members of the Armed Forces from its ranks. The first 100 civilians will begin training in August.
DNCD head Major General Rolando Rosado Mateo made the announcement in the presence of the senator from Peravia province, Wilton Guerrero. Guerrero hailed the measure, saying that he will not retreat from his stance that the DNCD needs to be "dismantled" and that "it needs a deep purge to removes all but those police agents that are unimpeachable", and the civilians who become part of the institution.
Referring to the DNCD, he said: "It is not a drug cartel, but it is infiltrated at the sides, in the center, by people who serve the drug trafficking cartels."
Rosado Mateo argued that the "dismantling" cannot be done "because the DNCD has to keep working", but that they are carrying out the transformation process.
The announcement came just as the arraignment and recommendation for dismissal of Major Johan Antonio Peralta Victorio, Captain Alexander Adames Almonte, First Lieutenant Eligio Jimenez Valdez, and Sergeant Jorge Luis Canela Maria, in charge of the DNCD operations in Samana. According to the charges pending, these men were collecting money from small-time drug dealers to look the other way, following an investigation. Rosado Mateo reported that a civilian was also detained. He is allegedly the person who was charged with collecting the money for the DNCD and delivering it to the agents. The DNCD chief said that the people who worked in the detachment of the institution assigned to Samana collected between RD$6,000 and RD$9,000 each week from 21 drug sales points in bribes in return for looking the other way.

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