View Full Version : Dengue campaign

07-19-2010, 06:00 PM
The Ministry of Public Health stepped up its efforts to eliminate mosquito-breeding grounds across the country over the weekend. Heavy rains falling over the past two months, combined with humid weather conditions have resulted in an above average volume of mosquitoes and an increase in the incidence of dengue fever.
Over the weekend, Public Health Ministry officials went from door to door in many of the highest-risk areas to give warnings and educate residents on how to curb the increase in mosquitoes. Ground fumigation, removal of garbage where water could accumulate and where mosquitoes could breed, and other measures were taken.
Public Health Minister Bautista Rojas Gomez also advised members of the public to go to hospitals early when dengue is suspected. He said there is no reason why anyone in the DR should die from dengue if it is treated in time. Rojas Gomez said there have been 22 deaths and 5,200 cases of dengue in the DR so far this year. There have been 12 deaths in Santiago alone. He said that there have been over 1.1 million cases in Latin America this year.
Rains are forecast to continue nationwide, making preventive measures even more important.
www.cdc.gov/Dengue/ (http://www.cdc.gov/Dengue/)

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