View Full Version : Fenatrano case arrests

07-19-2010, 06:00 PM
Judge Richard Aquino Natera, of the 2nd Court of Primary Attention in Santo Domingo has ordered three months preventive custody for two Fenatrano transporters union members while the case of the murder of Jose Miguel Genao Ramos is being investigated. Feliz Fabian Luciano (Sicote) and Ramiro Santana Canario, of the Federacion de Transporte la Nueva Opcion (Fenatrano) transport union were accused of fellow union member Genao's murder. Hoy reports that Genao was murdered when he tried to stop the two men from taking his vehicle. The men claimed that he was in arrears on payments for the Fenatrano-financed vehicle. Reportedly, Genao had accused Juan Hubieres, a deputy-elect, of overpricing the buses that had been subsidized by the city council.
Luciano was sent to La Victoria Jail for three months while the case is being investigated, and Santana was released on bail. Three others are sought by the authorities in this case. They have been identified only as Wilkin, Mingo and Reyes. Genao Ramos was murdered by a gang at his home in the Los Tres Ojos area of Santo Domingo on Tuesday, 13 July. His widow identified Sicote.
Earlier, Juan Hubieres, the leader of the bus owners group and deputy-elect, admitted he had sent in the armed men to seize two buses from Genao.
Fenatrano officials Lorenzo del Villar, Guarionex Martinez and Andres Julio Flores now say they fear for their lives. They claim Genao was murdered in reprisal for taking court action against Hubieres.

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