View Full Version : [DR1] Pedestrians - rights and obligations

08-02-2006, 04:10 PM
Listin Diario carried a story on Tuesday, 1 August on the rights and obligations of pedestrians. Law 241 establishes many responsibilities for pedestrians. Likewise, the Department of Education of the Metropolitan Transport Authority has the following recommendations if you are going to be walking:

When crossing at intersections, do so using the pedestrian crossing. If the intersection is controlled by traffic lights, cross only at a green light, or a "cruce" sign in your favor.

When crossing away from an intersection with a pedestrian crossing, do so perpendicularly and you will be giving right of way to any vehicle that is transiting on the road.

Between consecutive intersections, any one of which may be controlled by traffic lights, only cross on pedestrian crossings that are marked by white lines.

When a Police or AMET officer is directing traffic at an intersection, respect his signals and not start to cross or step off the sidewalk until the officer gives you the go-ahead.

When there is a pedestrian overpass built over a road, this should be used.

Transit only on sidewalks and if there aren't any, then on the border or left side of the road, facing traffic and under no circumstances should you abandon this area in a brusque or rapid manner.

When funeral processions are taking place, walk to the right side of the road, not taking more than half of the sidewalk.

Link To Original Article (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#10)